The Karnataka Real Estate Regulatory Authority under the guidance/ directions of the Hon'ble Karnataka State Legal Services Authority Bengaluru, is holding National Lok - Adalat on 13.07.2024, in the premises of Karnataka Real Estate Regulatory Authority, to settle/ compromise the complaints/cases, relating to, refund of money with or without interest, compensation, payment of interest for delay in delivering possession, cases relating to providing amenities, permissible execution proceedings in the disposed off cases or any other litigation which can be settled before the Lok - Adalat, filed under the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act 2016 and the Karnataka Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Rules 2017. The Pre Lok - Adalat sittings will be held till 12.07.2024 between 02:30P.M. to 05:30P.M., during all working days and final orders/ awards shall be recorded on 13.07.2024. The parties are requested to make use of this opportunity to settle/ compromise their complaints/cases before the Lok- Adalat. 👉 List of Promoters Pending for Recovery as Arrears of Land Revenue who are not complied the Orders of K-RERA as on 31-01-2024
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